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Success Check
Clarity. Confidence. Strategic Success.

Feeling stressed as you plan for next year?  The weight of aligning your teams, delivering results, and ensuring your plan is actionable can be overwhelming.

What if you could have someone review your strategy, provide insights and give actionable feedback so your plan is aligned and ready to execute?

Our Success Check sessions, give you the insights and confidence you need to deliver – and execute – your best strategy, with the assurance knowing nothing has been overlooked.

The Success Check are no-pressure, supportive sessions designed for leaders who need to validate their 2025 strategic plans, inspire and align their teams, and receive an objective review to strengthen their ideas. 

You’ll gain clarity on your strategy, build confidence in your leadership and execution, and step into the new year with practical, actionable steps to drive early success in 2025.

Benefits Of A Success Check

Success Check

The eyeBrand Success Check program gives you confidence, clarity, and validation on your strategy and execution plan so you can deliver the outcomes you and others expect.

These focused, stand-alone sessions provide an objective review of your marketing strategy, brand alignment, and implementation plan.

1. Validate Existing Strategies

Receive a thorough review of your current or proposed strategy. We’ll validate that it’s aligned with your organization’s mission, vision, and goals, while ensuring it’s set up to achieve the outcomes you expect. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of where your strategy excels, any areas for improvement, and the confidence that you’re on the right track for success.

2. Ensure Alignment Across Teams

We'll help ensure your internal and external teams—whether marketing, sales, operations, contractors, or agencies—are aligned with your strategic goals and will support the execution. This alignment ensures focus, efficiency, and a unified approach to achieving your vision.

3. Gain Confidence in Execution Plans

With Success Check, we review your execution plan to ensure it’s realistic, actionable, and aligned with your strategic goals. We’ll assess how well your teams, resources, and timelines are set up for success and provide recommendations to strengthen your plan.

4. Find Blind Spots or Gaps

During the Success Check, we conduct a detailed analysis of your strategy to uncover any blind spots or gaps that may hinder your success. Whether it’s missing components, overlooked risks, or misalignment within teams, we’ll help you identify these issues before they become obstacles.

5. Balance Long-Term Vision with Immediate Results

The Success Check helps you strike the right balance between your long-term vision and the need for immediate results. We’ll review your strategy to ensure it’s not only aligned with your future goals but also designed to deliver quick wins that build momentum. By focusing on both big-picture success and short-term execution, we provide insights that allow you to move forward confidently, knowing you can achieve results now while staying on track for the future.

6. Handling Overwhelm and Complexity

The Success Check simplifies the complexity of managing multiple teams, strategies, and objectives. We help you break down your plan into manageable parts, identifying areas of overwhelm and offering streamlined solutions. By focusing on clarity and alignment, we ensure that your strategy is not only comprehensive but also easy to execute, giving you the confidence to lead without feeling bogged down by complexity.

7. Clarifying Measurable Success Metrics

With Success Check, we help you define clear, measurable success metrics that align with your strategic goals. We’ll work with you to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most, ensuring you can track progress and gauge success effectively. By clarifying what success looks like, you’ll have the tools to monitor performance and make informed adjustments, ensuring your strategy delivers the results you need.

8. Adapting to External Changes

With Success Check, we assess how adaptable your strategy is to external changes, whether they’re market shifts, industry trends, or new competitive challenges. We provide insights on how to ensure your strategy remains flexible and responsive, allowing you to make necessary adjustments while staying aligned with your long-term goals. This gives you the confidence that your plan can withstand unforeseen changes and still deliver results.

How Success Check Works:

The eyeBrand Success Check is a series of consultations, totaling 2-3 hours, where we will learn, review, and distill your strategies, implementation plans, and your organization’s mission and vision. Through candid and collaborative discussions, we’ll identify gaps and areas for improvement. 

At the end of the Success Check, you’ll have concrete, actionable insights that you can implement immediately to drive your 2025 strategy forward with confidence.

Here’s what you can expect from the Success Check process.

1. Pre-Session Preparation

We’ll gather essential documents like your mission, vision, and team structure. You'll receive a secure Google Drive link to upload materials, and we'll sign a mutual NDA to protect your information.

2. Initial Discovery:

In the first part of the session, we’ll discuss your current strategy, identifying key concerns and ensuring everything aligns with your organization’s mission and goals.

3. Strategy & Team Alignment Review

We’ll assess how well your internal and external teams (including contractors and agencies) are aligned with your strategic goals to identify any gaps in execution.

4. Execution & Action Plan Review

Our focus will be on your execution plan, ensuring it’s actionable, realistic, and primed for success.

5. Insights & Recommendations

We’ll provide actionable insights and recommendations, giving you the confidence that your strategy is ready to deliver results.

6. Post-Session Follow-Up

After the session, you'll receive a recap of key insights and suggestions, along with options for continued support if needed.


Reserve Your Spot

Success Checks spots are limited. 

Let us know you’re interested and reserve a spot on our schedule.

FAQs About Success Checks

The Success Check is all about reviewing your existing strategy, plans, and processes to ensure they align with your goals and vision. We’ll offer expert feedback on what’s working and provide actionable recommendations to strengthen your plan. This is a great way to validate what you’ve already built and ensure you’re set up for success.

The Success Check is designed to work with the strategy and materials you’ve already created. Rather than conducting new research or assessments, we focus on evaluating what you provide to identify opportunities for improvement. This allows us to provide targeted, valuable feedback based on your existing plans.

The Success Check focuses on reviewing and optimizing the materials you’ve already created. While we don’t produce new deliverables like design work or branding, our insights will help refine and enhance the processes and strategies you already have in place.

The Success Check is focused on reviewing your current strategies and offering feedback to enhance them. While we won’t be generating new ideas, we’ll provide insights that may inspire adjustments to your existing plan to ensure everything is aligned for success.

To get the most out of the Success Check, you’ll need to provide key materials such as your mission, vision, strategic plans, and any related documents. We’ll provide you with a Google Drive link to easily upload everything we’ll need to conduct a thorough review.

The Success Check focuses on validating and optimizing your current strategy rather than creating new strategies or detailed action plans. However, you’ll receive clear, actionable recommendations that you can implement immediately to strengthen your plan. For more in-depth strategy work, our Intensive Program could be a great next step.

The Success Check typically lasts between 2-3 hours. During this time, we’ll review your strategy, execution plan, and team alignment, providing expert feedback and practical recommendations to ensure you’re on the right track.